Categories: Notizie

Fashion Week: Milano Fashion Woman

As we all know the height of fashion week in Milan for the fashion shows feminine Milano Fashion Woman and probably did not know if you noticed there walking the streets (not just those of quadrilateral): There is certainly hard to see at almost every corner, more or less well-known models, entertainers or car with the mark of Camera Nazionale della Moda .

But this year the protagonists are not only bridges: the Cultural Department of the City of Milan is promoting a series of initiatives taking place in the area of the quadrilateral and other venues around the city.

Until Sunday, October 25th you can attend the Palazzo della Ragione to the exhibition of the photographer Giovanni Gastel entitled Masks and Ghosts with 40 unpublished images.

Until Saturday, October 31 instead, to Palace Dugnani will Sileziose Scriptures: videos, sculptures and inscriptions by 15 international artists who interpret the particular writing ‘s Easter Island .

To October 4, then you can see in some areas of the city of colored bottles Coca-Cola light for the show Fashion & the City – Tribute to Fashion. In the past 8 bottles of soft drink world’s most famous were “dressed” by so many Italian designers who later auctioned works whose proceeds will go to Milan for the Abruzzo .

Then over the weekend in the heart of the quadrilateral to Palazzo Morando in Via Sant’Andrea, 2 feature films will be broadcast on 2 great designers, the first documentary dedicated to Valentino I’ll be there on Saturday 26 at 21 and the second dedicated to Japanese Yohji Yamamoto always 27 to Sunday 21.

For more information please visit the official website of the House of Fashion


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Tags: fashion week

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